Wednesday, September 16

Love in a Cage

Wednesday, September 16

“Whoever knows the worth of women and the mystery reposing in them will not refrain from loving them; indeed, love for them is part of the perfection of a man who knows God, for it is a legacy of the Prophet and a Divine love.”-Ibn Al-’Arabi

To realise that a man should know his God first
and his purpose in life before seeking a woman to be his other half, is so beautiful. It is his pursuit of Him that he finds her. Since the man will lead the family someday, it’s in my opinion that he should know his obligations before God, his place in His eyes and then act accordingly.

Hopefully, when the day comes, he will..

hold my hand and guide me when I am lost
protect me when I am in danger
laugh at my jokes
forgive my faults when I make a mistake
accept my flaws and imperfections

be my crying shoulders and wipe away my tears when I am sad
be patient and understanding when I am angry

be my leader and imam

be my friend and companion
be my guardian and supporter
be the father of my children

be there through sadness and sorrow, hardship and grief

be there in happiness and ease
and please me for the sake of the Creator.


2 yogurberries:

Sir Matno said...

my doa and prayers are with you and my dear friend.. :p

Teenz Abu Bakar said...

sangat bermakna kata2 kamu ini...=p