Saturday, August 1

I'm all out of randomness

Saturday, August 1
Currently playing- Chloroform Perfume by From Autumn to Ashes

(Disneyland Paris)
i've had always been a dreamer
i've had my head among the clouds
all this time my thoughts have been flying
among the seasonal birds
-House 38, Student Village, Marjon 2006-

(University College Plymouth St Mark & St John, 2007)
It's frightening to think that flying away on seco
nd chances is really just running away
from what is never far behind.
And once we've settled in what is at first unfamiliar,

we will find in every reflection all that we wanted to forget until eventually,
the unfamiliar becomes the familiar all over again.
-Marjon, 2007-

(University College Plymouth St Mark & St John, 2007)
Truths and roses have thorns about them.
-IPBA, 2008-

(Dartmoor, 2006)
A teacher is a teacher is a teacher is a teacher.
-In the middle of nowh
ere, 2009-

0 yogurberries: