Thursday, December 17


Thursday, December 17
So, 1430 is about to come to a close.

I am no saint. If anything, I am one of those people who need to be reminded the most. If there is one wish I may allow myself to have for next year, it is that I may never forget why I lead a life better than the person I am…the reasons are everywhere.

I hope to be a better person. I really, really do. That is all I ask of myself. I welcome 1431 with prayers and open arms. May this year be a better year for all of mankind, God willing.

Doa Akhir Tahun dibaca 3 kali pada akhir waktu Asar atau sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib pada akhir bulan Zulhijjah. Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, Syaitan berkata: "Kesusahan bagiku dan sia-sia lah pekerjaanku menggoda anak Adam pada setahun ini dan Allah binasakan aku satu saat jua. Dengan sebab membaca doa ini, Allah ampunkan dosanya setahun"

Doa Awal Tahun dibaca 3 kali selepas maghrib pada malam satu Muharram. Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, Syaitan berkata : "Telah amanlah anak Adam ini daripada godaan pada tahun ini kerana Allah
telah mewakilkan dua Malaikat memeliharanya daripada fitnah Syaitan".


Sunday, December 13

Self reflection.

Sunday, December 13

Thursday, December 10

Beyond the dress and the henna.

Thursday, December 10
Salam. It has been a while. For the past three months, I am indeed busy contemplating my heart and resembling all my thoughts to think about the decision. The decision to be with someone for the rest of my life. The decision to be someone's wife and the mother to his children, insyaAllah.
So,this decision has actually led to a series of unforgettable events.
We started to plan things together---our parents met---bought things for the D-day---etc.
It still continues up to the moment when I am writing this.
I have found an article which gives a really good insight about the necessary preparation for marriage. Like what the author said, "Be prepared- it's the rest of your life!"

So, how prepared I am towards completing half of the deen, I don't know.
There are towering tasks and loads of work to be done, honestly.
But I think right now, I need to redefine my niyyah/niat/intention.
After all, that's what a Muslim should do for every second in his life.

++Tepuk hati, tanya iman.++